RTC-KPVTC Davao conducted a comprehensive T2MIS/BSRS Orientation Workshop on March 5, 2024, at the Mini Theater, aimed at equipping all trainers and support staff with the necessary skills to efficiently utilize the TESDA Training Management Information System (T2MIS) and the Biometric-Enabled Scholarship Registration Management System (BSRS) of TESDA.
The workshop, attended by all RTC-KPVTC Davao trainers and support staff, was organized to ensure proficiency in utilizing these essential systems for smoother operations within the institution.
Led by Jestony Mark P. Aprong, Senior TESD Specialist, along with Irish S. Robledo, Registrar II, and Ianna Marie D. Pioquinto, Registrar Support Staff and DABET Trainer, the workshop covered a wide range of topics essential for effective utilization of the T2MIS and BSRS.
Among the topics discussed were the process of submission of Training Schedules, enrollment procedures, handling Duplicate ULIs, requirements for TIP, navigation of BSRS for both trainers and trainees, processes for changing training schedules and replacement of trainers, correcting trainees’ names, and updating BSRS training status.
The interactive workshop provided participants with hands-on experience and practical knowledge, ensuring they are well-prepared to utilize these systems efficiently in their day-to-day tasks.
RTC-KPVTC Davao remains committed to providing continuous training and development opportunities for its staff to enhance their skills and improve overall efficiency in delivering quality education and training programs.