RTC-KorPhil Davao, SPAMAST partner for OJT of BSABE studes

Four students from the Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering of the Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology (SPMAST) have immersed in TESDA RTC-KorPhil Davao for their On-the-Job-Training program.

The immersion runs for 240 hours from June 13 up to July 26, 2024 under the watch of the Diploma of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Technology (DABET). Training personnel of DABET have lined up activities for the OJT students for them to develop familiarity on the operations and services of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) which include trainings, and industry visits.

For the training, the OJT students acquired knowledge, skills and attitude in Organic Agriculture Production NC II which covers raising of organic chicken, small ruminants (goat) and hogs as well as production of organic vegetable, fertilizer, and concoction and extracts.

To further their education about the potential works of AB engineers, series of industry visits were done such as in the Gravity Irrigators Sustainable Agriculture Cooperative (GISACO) on July 3, 2024 where they have observed the actual operations of the Multi-stage and Single Pass Rice Millers, and the Mechanical Recirculating Dryers.

In their activity at GISACO, they learned the working conditions of the various parts of the millers such as the de-stoner, pre-cleaner, dehusker, whitener, polisher, color sorter, grader and other auxiliary components of a milling machine.

On 10 July 2024, another visit was done in the TESDA Wangan National Agricultural School (WNAS) that allowed them to gain first-hand experience about cacao production and processing from seed sowing, seedling making, planting, care and maintenance, harvesting and tablea making.

They also visited other production areas in WNAS such as the Poultry (Chicken and Turkey), Small Ruminants (Goat), Swine, and Large Ruminants (Cow).  

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