As member of the regional Technical Working Group, TESDA XI participated in the site validation and assessment activities on June 26-27, 2023 of the proposed Integrated White Copra and Coconut Oil Processing Facility in Prk. West, Salingcomot, Baganga, Davao Oriental.
To be located in the 1,000-squaremeter lot of the Agroforestry Farmers Producers Cooperative (AFPC), the 23 Million processing facility project is under the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Program (CFIDP) led by the DA-PhilMech, which get a supportive nod from the local government during a courtesy call with the municipal Mayor of Banganga.
As training and extension provider of CFIDP, TESDA XI met the farmer-officers of the cooperative and conducted a Training Needs Analysis to identify appropriate TESDA training interventions for AFPC with 576 members farming 92, 160 coconut trees in an accumulated 1, 152 hectares.
Other TWG representatives from the PCA, CDA, DTI and DPWH also participated in the validation activity.