On Friday, February 3, 2023, Auxiliary Capt. Arwin Ardon, CG ENS Vasit Venturillo, CDR PCGA Pablito Parilla, and CDR PCGA Modesto Castillo paid a visit to the Regional Training Center – Korea Philippines Vocational Training Center (RTC-KPVTC) to request for skills training for the 802nd Squadron Coastal Community Auxiliary Divisions (CCAD) volunteers and their dependents.
The visit was made with the aim of empowering the CCAD volunteers through the enhancement of their livelihood and skills development. The PCGA 802nd Squadron is seeking to equip its CCAD volunteers and their dependents with practical knowledge and skills in sectors considered as Key Employment Generators (KEGs) such as Practical Electricity, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Services NC II.
The skills training program will be made possible through the partnership of the PCGA 802nd Squadron with the Local Government Units (LGU), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Point of Sales (POS), resort owners in the Island Garden City of Samal, and other agencies. The Training Center, headed by Center Administrator Constantino B. Panes Jr., will provide the necessary skills training for the volunteers and their dependents.
The visit of the coast guard officials to the Regional Training Center is a testament to their commitment to the development and empowerment of their volunteers. This will also contribute to the growth and sustainability of the coastal communities in the Island Garden City of Samal. This development is seen as a positive step towards providing opportunities for the growth and development of the coastal communities and its volunteers. The PCGA 802nd Squadron’s move to empower its CCAD volunteers through skills training is commendable and will go a long way in improving the lives of the volunteers and their families.